Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Existing in two dimensional intangibility
Your arms weighty with the details of life
An ardent taskmaster awaits, the dictator of survival
Our paths crossed along your trade-route toward home

You smiled at me
And your eyes danced
You smiled at me
And my heart grew wings

In the stonewalled silence you surround yourself with
My delicate words seek an opening
Hopeful I send them through the needle-eyed sliver
I see you briefly in the ignorance of my existence

Spending myself with a thousand thoughts
Delicate words etched from the details of my own life
Folded gently together with prayer
I send them all unfettered with wings like expectation

A thousand tiny syllables uttered behind my teeth
Behind lips swollen with sobbing
Sharp against my fingers as I fold
Bloodied digits with paper-cut ambition

Red lipped remembrances
Smoothed across the page
And how I prayed
That would be the one that would sail you home

My skin bares the mark of your silence
My platform bed, worn thin like tears on pages
Heart fragile as paper
Rising with expectation to herald your homecoming 

I wait in the solemnity of prayer
In the dark before the dawn
In the stillness before the storm
From lighthouse paper airplanes sent in silence

Sweep me into the embrace of a thousand tiny hopes realized
In the light of a new day sprung from weeping
Heavy in your arms where the details once were
Thick with the dimensionality of grace in all it’s splendor

I am not shaken
I am not removed
I am not absent
From the fullness of loving you

Resurrect from the ashes with me my love
Dust the mourning soot from your weary eyes
Bury the disembodied despair you once surrendered to
Take my hand, together we will transcend

In a three dimensional kiss whisper the triumphant words of those
Who have risen from an amputation of the soul
And settled into truth of what it means to live again
alone... again... at last…

We are. 


Linking up again with the fabulous poets at dVersepoets.com it's another Open Link Night where we make poetic contributions and offer our encouragement, our praise, and our critique of one another with hopeful voices filled with the growth that comes in community. Join us if you wish, encourage us if you will, and share a pint with me, but only if you dare. As always, your comments are welcome and appreciated. ~Apryl