St. Terese Florida |
I exist as an orphaned creature
borne of want and fury
this once fertile existence
now suffers but a glimpse of plenty by moonlight
monstrosities only make sense in
the shadow of present nightmares
cast off like a blanket, will I this night
but gather instead provisions fit for an escape
fear is but imagination
set free in madness
I shall no longer endure the darkness,
but grope after days of illumination
switch on the light, when found,
and stand awake in truth
linger not here, will I
in this place between worlds
dream no longer, will I of
Eden recreated in mortal fantasies
it is the light I now pursue,
and the light-giver with arms wide as weeping
at his feet I’ll lay myself
and bathe in the bright shelter of his warmth
for what greater purpose does light have
if not to vanquish darkness with it’s presence
Look for me no longer among the shadows.
Linking up again with #OpenLinkNight and writing along with A Poem A Day challenge for National Poetry Month. (Though I'm not always posting the poems) Today's prompt was light and darkness. I made an attempt to capture a journey through both. Thank you for reading and thank you for your kind/constructive comments, they are deeply appreciated. ~Apryl