Monday, May 2, 2011

Tethered Heart

As a Mother I don’t expect to encounter a lifetime of angst when awaiting the arrival of my first child. This strange new traveler that would be brought through my body, cradled by bones, blanketed by flesh. In the quiet moments, with hands on stretched skin while she would turn beneath I would hope for a life grander than my own, and whispered silent prayers for health and safety. 

Our children are birthed into fallible arms, too weak to sustain a battle spanning their lifetimes or ours.

My eldest child turned seventeen years old this past month. Breaths away from the cultural standard of adulthood and I realize how much she still doesn’t know, more importantly, I realize how much I still have to learn. The influence of the world is not what we would have it be. In fact at times it is a full frontal assault to those of us that follow the way. I wish I could keep my daughter from the dark things of this world, but at best, I can prepare her.

Jesus, the light in the darkness, whispers to each of us, to Mother and Daughter to follow Him as he carves this unearthly path out of the darkness. I know many ways in which the world works, the seduction and empty promises an orphaned culture offers like a pimp, drawing you to a place where you are willing to sell the most precious thing you can posses, your intimacy with Christ. 

The world and all of its influence will not get smaller unless I come before the One who is bigger.

I am thankful that my heart is now tethered to Jesus, and it tugs when I am moving in a direction not toward him. I am a slave no longer to a life far from Him. My imperfect steps will bring me to my knees, and cause me to question my heart intentions. We’re fools if we think that we will escape the need for repentance and correction. We all have a choice to respond well to it, or build a fig-leaf-wall around our hearts or allow the clothing of Christ cover our woundedness, even if it is self-inflicted. My prayer for my children is that their hearts are tethered tightly to Him, and that their steps are drawn continually back upon the path that leads toward Him, and toward eternity.

Diving into His words surrounding the fleshly ears I hear though and them is the refuge from the world that I seek.

She’s going to college soon. She will have to make choices and accept real world consequences for her actions, not a simple grounding from the cell phone. I know that my daily influence will minimize, but my prayers will never cease. And that’s the only power we Mother have, the ability to surrender our Children to the parentage of God the Father when we are unable. He alone is the ever-present parent.

Allow me to pray along side you, as you parent your young ones.